Choropleth Maps of Census Tract-Level Variables

Census Tract-Level Variables

We show choropleth maps of Census Tract-Level Variables for census tracts across the United States. Census Tract-Level Variables based on the 2014-2018 American Community Survey. Population of census tract is based on 2014-2018 American Community Survey (survey question B01003). In order to limit memory usage a user can only view Census Tract-Level Variables for one state at a time.

Note: Some larger states such as California and Texas may take a little time to load.

Variables based on 2014-2018 American Community Survey

  • Population Count - Total population count of census tract.
  • % White - Percentage of individuals identifying as (non-hispanic) white in census tract.
  • % Black - Percentage of individuals identifying as (non-hispanic) black in census tract.
  • % Hispanic - Percentage of individuals identifying as hispanic in census tract.
  • % Asian - Percentage of individuals identifying as (non-hispanic) asian in census tract.
  • % Over 65 - Percentage of individuals over the age of 65 in census tract.
  • Median Household Income - Median household income of census tract.
  • % Below Poverty In Census Tract - Percentage of individuals that live below the poverty line in census tract.
  • % College Graduates In Census Tract - Percentage of individuals with a 4 year degree or higher in census tract.
  • % No HS Diploma - Percentage of individuals with no high school diploma in census tract.
  • % Unemployed - Percentage of unemployed individuals in census tract.
  • % Households More than 1 occupant per Room - Percentage of households with (on average) more than 1 occupant per room in census tract.
  • % Households More than 1.5 occupant per Room - Percentage of households with (on average) more than 1.5 occupants per room in census tract.
  • % Households More than 2 occupant per Room - Percentage of households with (on average) more than 2 occupants per room in census tract.
  • % with Private Insurance - Percentage of individuals with private insurance in census tract.
  • % with Medicare - Percentage of individuals with Medicare insurance in census tract.
  • % with Medicaid - Percentage of individuals with Medicaid insurance in census tract.
  • Land Area (km^2) - Land area of census tract in square kilometers.
  • % Commute via Public Transporation - Percentage of individuals that commute via public transporation in census tract
  • % Foreign Born - Percentage of individuals that are foreign born in census tract.
  • % Essential Workers - Percentage of individuals deemed as essential workers in census tract.
  • % Household - 5+ members - Percentage of households with 5 plus members in census tract.
  • % Household - 6+ members - Percentage of households with 6 plus members in census tract.
  • % Household - 7+ members - Percentage of households with 7 plus members in census tract.